As your local electric provider, we are your source for energy and information. Interest in wind and solar generation is growing, and we are here to help answer any questions you might have. Contact us for more information about distributed generation and assistance in making decisions about whether wind or solar is a good option for you.
CECA Solar Services
CECAs Energy Services program offers two solar options:

Distributed Generation
CECA wants to assist cooperative members interested in owning and installing a renewable generation system. If you are a member of Comanche Electric Cooperative and are interested in interconnected solar or wind generation, call us at 800-915-2533 or send an e-mail to for complete information.
Things you need to know:
- There are rules concerning proper equipment, safety, liability and metering. Please contact us before you start your project to be sure your plans comply and your project goes smoothly.
- Review CECAs Distributed Generation Policy to help you navigate the interconnection process.
- Discuss your project with our staff for general information or specific needs. We applaud our members who are working to conserve energy and who support renewable energy. Contact us to learn more about how we can help.
Solar Options
Custom Solar
Through our Custom Solar program, qualifying locations can receive custom designed onsite solar to meet personal energy needs. Each solar array is designed for maximum economic value based on individual usage.
For details or more information on either of these options fill out the request form above and a CECA solar expert will be in touch with you.
Solar Frequently Asked Questions
CECA members should contact CECA very early in the “DG decision-making” process. Our representatives will be glad to take time to answer questions and provide both technical and procedural information regarding your potential DG installation. Before any DG system is installed there are agreements and safety concerns that must be addressed before interconnection can take place.
Yes! CECA provides high-quality, cost effective PV Solar to both CECA members and the public. CECA believes this is a service that is consistent with our mission and provides a long-term value to our cooperative and membership.
No. A standard non-battery backup system will shut down during an outage for safety reasons. There are battery storage systems that can provide some back up power under these circumstances, but they are only economical in a few instances.
A properly designed and sized system can be very economical depending on availability of tax subsidies and a member’s usage profile. Investing in a solar array is a long-term investment that takes 10 plus years to pay for itself. CECA can look at your usage and the potential for solar production at your location and give you an honest look at the financial benefits of a solar PV system.
CECA will reimburse members for energy “delivered to” CECA distribution system at the avoided cost of energy rate (ACER). The ACER is calculated based on the cooperative’s wholesale electric energy provider’s monthly invoice. The member’s compensation for the excess energy supplied to the cooperative during the monthly billing period shall accumulate as a monetary credit to be applied to future energy purchases by a member.
In very rare circumstances would there be a system that could over generate to the point of receiving a positive credit on your monthly bill. A system that could do this would be drastically over-sized and not be cost effective. If this were the case, CECA would roll the credit over to the following month and settle up quarterly with a check for the credited amount.