Primary Account Holder Information

What is the name of your business? If this is a residential meter, please type 'N/A'.
Mailing Address
Best number to reach you regarding outage situations

Spouse Information

Information on Account Can Be Released to (family, friends, attorney, etc.):

Name 1
Name 2
Name 3

Connecting Information

Do you own or lease?
Is light to be connected?

Alerts and Reminders

Which of the following alerts would you like to receive?

Additional Information

As a participant, your electric bill is rounded up to the nearest dollar each month and the few extra cents go into the Operation Round-Up community service program fund.

Signature and Authorization

If you selected "yes," a CECA representative will reach out to request your Social Security number and driver's license number.
The information contained in this application is for the purpose of obtaining electric service from Comanche Electric Cooperative on behalf of the abovesigned. The abovesigned acknowledges that the information provided herein is true and complete. I, the applicant for this CECA connect request, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided in this application.
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